Hello! Welcome to my small corner of the Internet. My name is Samuel, Sam if you like. I currently work as a Duty Manager and Swimming Instructor at a great little leisure centre in the heart of the Cotswolds, but telling you that isn’t the aim of this site. I am a keen amateur photographer and this space is purely to show my images to the world, all photo’s you see here have been captured by myself, unless stated otherwise.

Growing up in the picturesque hills and valleys of the Exmoor National Park, I have always enjoyed photography. As a boy my parents had an old film camera which I used to snap away at anything & everything – even if there wasn’t any film inside! But then education and growing up got in the way, aspirations changed & photography took a back seat. However I never lost my love for the simple art of taking a picture. Now I spend my days while I’m not at work, roaming the land taking photographs whenever I can.

As well as photography, I am passionate about animals and their behaviour so they make up a large portion of my photographic subjects. Capturing their moments and bringing a personality to life in picture form, is one of the most rewarding things.

At the current moment in time, photography is a hobby which I’m giving as much time as I possibly can to, however I hope to change that. Every success has a beginning, right now I’m at the beginning of mine so if my work appeals to you, or if you would like a copy or a print of the pictures shown on this site, please contact me and I can arrange something for you.

As I said above, unless directly stated, all of the images contained on this site have been produced by myself and as such, the rights to their usage belong to me.

So please enjoy!